Affiliation No: 2130326


School Code: 60148


Affliated to CBSE, Bharat

Head Mistress

“A student is not a container you have to fill But a torch you have to light up”.

-Albert Einstein

It’s a matter of great privilege and honour for me to convey my feelings and message to you all through this Website.

Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore once said “Every child gives us the message that God is not discouraged of mankind.” Through these lines we can easily know that every child is Almighty’s hope. Hope that every child will set himself/herself as the perfect example of efficiency, honesty,

humility and humanity. God Himself wants to be with all the children all the time to impart love and knowledge. For love He assists them as parents and for knowledge He assists them as teachers.

God kept showering His blessings on each one of us throughout the last year. My heart overflows with gratitude for choosing me to accompany the St. Johnian to have enthusiasm, discipline, willingness, honesty and determination to reach their goals. Here I quote the words of Rabindranath Tagore once again “Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep for every dream precedes the goal”.

Dear parents God has bestowed on every child a lot of potential and creativity without any discrimination. You need to make your ward realize that life is not all about being an engineer, a doctor or an I.A.S. Officer but it is dedicating oneself honestly and creating a meaning out of one’s life.

Once a wise man asked God “God what is the meaning of life?” God replied:” Life itself has no meaning: it’s an opportunity to create a meaning.” Yes life offers you many opportunities to make your life worth living. But what I really feel that in this highly competitive and rapidly changing world making a child a good human being is one of the most difficult challenge that every parent and teacher faces and for this merely education, learning a few subjects will not help, importance should be given to value education.

Teachers, reminding you one of Kabir’s very famous Doha:

“गुरु गोबिंद दोनों खड़े काके लागू पाय बलिहारी गुरु आपनो, गोबिंद दियो बताय”|

(If I encounter God and Guru both on my way, I will first bow down to the Guru as he is the one who showed me where to look for the God.)

Such is the regard that a teacher receives. You are the most important pillar in making your society and country strong. Children are our human resource, and you have the responsibility to shape them, to make them realize that each and every child is a gem. Always remember that teaching is the only profession that makes all other professions possible. You are laying a foundation for the better future of children who are the most important factor for a developed society and country. You have the responsibility to assure all the parents that their children are going to have a very bright future for being in St. John’s.

Dear children, “Remember who you are. Don’t compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that truth.” – Lysa Terkeurst

So let’s work together to create a difference. Let’s make God feel that His efforts are not in vain, let’s make Him feel proud, let’s prove that, “Yes, we are His best creation”.

God bless you!

Sr. Victoria Alex

Head Mistress [Primary]

Rev. Sr. Joshila Kartan

M.A. (English), B.Ed.
Double Prabhakar in Vocal Hindustani Music / Bharatnatyam